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Art x Science Office


Exhibition team

Dr. Katharina Weikl, University of Zurich
in cooperation with Hans Lozza, Swiss National Park

Anne-Christine Schindler, University of Zurich

Project management, curatorial assistant

Laurens Bohlen, University of Zurich Computational Biology, Project management
Sonja Koch Scenography
Meltem Kalayci Graphic design
Andrea Rossi, Swiss National Park Communication
Claudio Irniger, Flavio Cahenzli, Fadri Wehrli, Andri Cuonz und Odilo Grond, Swiss National Park Installation and woodwork
Ursula Degen Light design and tech support
Prof. Dr. Daniel Wegmann, University of Fribourg Scientific advisor
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Müller-Böker, University of Zurich Mentor


Triggered by Motion

The walk-in pavilion Triggered by Motion combines camera trap recordings from around the globe that are used to observe wild animals and are increasingly evaluated using AI applications. Further information about this project can be found

Research and cooperation partners:

Kuruman River Reserve, South Africa: Prof. Dr. Marta ManserDr. Brigitte Spillmann, Universität ZürichZoe Turner, Kalahari Research Centre,
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenia: Dominic MaringaEunice KamauTimothy Kaaria, Lewa Wildlife ConservancyDr. Martin Bauert, Zoo Zürich,
Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana: Dr. Gabriele Cozzi,Universität Zürich, Dr. Peter AppsDr. Megan Claase Botswana Predator Conservation

Chennai, India: Prof. Dr. Susy VarugheseDr. Vivek Puliyeri, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Cheorwon, South Korea: Dr. Choi Myung-AeCenter for Anthropocene Studies, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)Yonsei University
Kastamonu, Türkiye: Dilşad DağtekinProf. Dr. Arpat ÖzgülUniversität ZürichDr. Anil Soyumert, Dr. Alper Ertürk, Universität Kastamonu
Seoul, South Korea: Kim Gitae, Citizen Scientist
Shanghai, China: Dr. Li BichengNaturhistorisches Museum Shanghai (Shanghai Science and Technology Museum)

Cerova, Serbia: Mihailo Stojanovic, Citizen Scientist
Engadin, Switzerland: Hans LozzaDr. Sonja WipfSchweizerischer Nationalpark
Fanel, Switzerland: Dr. Stefan SuterWLS.CH / Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW)
Nationalpark Gran Paradiso, Italien: Dr. Alice BrambillaUniversität ZürichAlberto PeracinoParco Nazionale Gran Paradiso
Zürich, Switzerland: Conny Hürzeler, Citizen Scientist, Dr. Madeleine GeigerStadtWildTiere Zürich

North America:
Bolinas, USA: Jeff LabovitzSusan Pace, Citizen Scientists
Palo Alto, USA: Bill LeikamUrban Wildlife Research Project
Rolling WI, USA: Blayne Zeise, Jennifer StengleinSnapshot Wisconsin / USFWS Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Program
San José, USA: Dr. Dan WennyDr. Yiwei WangSFBBO Coyote Creek Field Station

Oamaru, New Zealand: Dr. Philippa AgnewOamaru Blue Penguin Colony

South America:
Pedregulho, Brasil: Prof. Dr. Rita de Cassia Bianchi, Rômulo Theodoro CostaSão Paulo State University
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Dr. Natalie OlifiersUniversidade Veiga de Almeida

Our international network was developed in cooperation with: Swissnex San FranciscoSwissnex BrazilSwissnex BostonSwissnex ChinaSwissnex India, theScience & Technology Office Seoul and the Swiss Embassy in Nairobi.

Video installation

Pavillon design: Dino Rossi 
CNC-Operator: Dimitri Zehnder, Impact Acoustic
Video editing and cut: Jan-David Bolt, Vanessa Mazanik, Lars Mulle, Vanja Tognola, Hadrami Yurdagün 
Sound design: Lars Mulle 
Media and technical installations: Tweaklab AG, Basel



Using acoustic artifacts from the field research of evolutionary anthropologist Prof. Kathelijne Koops (University of Zurich), this musical installation by Swiss composer/performer Nikki Buzzi juxtaposes Western musical thought with non-human cultures, addressing the disappearance of habitats in the anthropocene.

Composition, Production: Nikki Buzzi, Zürich / Frankfurt am Main
Research: Prof. Dr. Kathelijne KoopsUniversität Zürich


Spot the spots

The magnetic wall memory conveys how and why Dr. Monica Bond (University of Zurich / Wild Nature Institute) uses pattern recognition software and AI applications in her research of endangered Masai giraffes.

Research: Dr. Monica Bond, Universität Zürich / Wild Nature Institute
Design: Sonja Koch, Meltem Kalayci 


A wild year in the Swiss National Park

The videoinstallation A Wild Year in the Swiss National Park (Original title: Ein tierisches Jahr im Schweizerischen Nationalpark) shows camera trap recordings that were taken over a year in Val Müschauns.

Project lead, maintenance and placement of camera traps: Hans Lozza, Swiss National Park
Assistant project lead, video cut: Andrea Koch, Swiss National Park  
Selection of scenes: Annina Buchli, Swiss National Park  


Bits, Bytes & Biodiversity emerged from the  Graduate Campus commitment to transdisciplinary networking at the University of Zurich and is continued by the Art x Science Office at the Direktion Immobilien und Betrieb (DIB) of the UZH. The exhibition was made possible by the Zurich Universities Digitalization Initiative (DIZH) and the Foundation Mercator Switzerland. We thankImpact Acoustic for the acoustic material made from recycled PET.