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Art x Science Office

People and projects

Exhibition team

Project Management &

Katharina Weikl, Director Art x Science Office UZH
Damian Fopp, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich

Curatorial Assistance


    Manuel Kaufmann (former UZH Graduate Campus)
Maya Ellerkmann, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich

Exhibition Coordination   Sonja Gutknecht, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich

Digital Publication


Data-Orbit und Florian Ronc



Jeannette Bours, Manuel Kaufmann, UZH Graduate Campus
Melanie Nyfeler, Theo von Däniken, Priska Feichter, UZH Kommunikation
Sarah Bleuler, Debbie Zedi, Leona Veronesi, Franka Hüttche, Serge Germann, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich



Nicola von Albrecht, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich

Project teams

All the Lives
A deep fake algorithm allows visitors to virtually experience alternative life situations.

Björn Franke, Nadine Cocina, Paulina Zybinska, Interaction Design, ZHdK


"ANIMA II" is part of a series of responsive robotic artworks that explore one of the defining traits of animal life: the ability to move.

Claire Pondard, independent designer
Léa Pereyre, Robotics Aesthetics & Usability Center, Autonomous Systems Lab, ETHZ
Dennis Hansen, Zoological Museum & Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, UZH

With support of: PATHOS, Being Kit
Robotics Aesthetics & Usability Center (RAUC), Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL), ETHZ

A Visual History of Flow
"A Visual History of Flow" comprises of a series of drawings on the theme of flow charts drawn by a chalk drawing machine.

Monika Dommann, Department of History, UZH
Jürg Lehni

Behind the Scenes
An immersive audio walk that invites visitors to explore and uncover what‘s behind the internet infrastructure.

Gayatri Parameswaran, Felix Gaedtke, Mia von Kolpakow, Billy Mello, Hans Peter Kadel, Defne Işıklı, NowHere Media
Lena Kaufmann, Department of History, UZH

Big Sister
"Big Sister" is an interactive video installation that uses eye-tracking technology used for diagnosing diseases of the vestibular system to create a feeling of surveillance.

Elisabeth Eberle
Konrad Weber, University Hospital Zurich

Click Click

This installation shows how computer mice have evolved into a natural extension of the human body.

Reto Sutter, Luana Nyirö, University Hospital Balgrist

This installation shows the random color combinations of lava lamps and how they were used to create secure encryption keys between users and an internet server.

Joachim Rosenthal, Institute of Mathemathics, UZH
Felix Fontein
Jonas Voegeli, Visual Communication, ZHdK
Hubertus Design: Valentin Kaiser, Kerstin Landis, Nathan Meyer, Jonas Voegeli

Digital Blessing
Visitors can get blessed by a robot and answer questions raised by the digitalization of spirituality and religion.

Thomas Schlag, Sabrina Müller, URPP «Digital Religion(s). Communication, Interaction and Transformation in the Digital Society», Faculty of Theology, UZH
Ilona Nord and Team, Institut für Evangelische Theologie und Religionspädagogik, Julius­Maximilians-­Universität Würzburg
Jörn Hurtienne and Team, Institut für Mensch-­Computer-­Medien, Julius-­Maximilians­Universität Würzburg

The Digital Trinity
Large projections show how the ubiquitous digitalization of the 21st century can be understood as the religion-like trinity of the intertwined socio-technological transformation processes of datafication, algorithmization and platformization. 

Michael Latzer, Media Change & Innovation Division, Department of Communication and Media Research, UZH
Jonas Voegeli, Visual Communication, ZHdK
Hubertus Design: Valentin Kaiser, Kerstin Landis, Nathan Meyer, Jonas Voegeli


An installation made of e-waste that raises questions about the sustainability of the digital transformation.

Lorenz Hilty, Informatics and Sustainability Research, UZH

Forensic Imaging
An interactive installation where visitors can solve a fictional murder case using computer forensics.

Till Sieberth, Lars Ebert, Erika Dobler, 3D-Zentrum Zürich, Institute of Forensic Medicine, UZH and Zurich Forensic Science Institute
Sandra Moser, Marina Klauser, Levin Vieth, Fabian Jaggi, Stefan Jäger, Department of Performing Arts and Film, ZHdK

Four Transitions

"Four Transitions" is an art-work by Jürg Lehni about the passing of time that uses four different kinds of display technologies (flip dots, LCD, LED, TFT).

Jürg Lehni
Commissioned by Christoph Merian Stiftung Basel


The interactive robotic installation by the artist group AATB addresses the question of digital intimacy.


This installation uses building components that are used in data centers for the cooling of servers, and aims to make the aesthetic structure behind data management visible.

Hannes Rickli, Institute for Contemporary Art Research, ZHdK
Collegium Helveticum (ETHZ, UZH, ZHdK)

Kamituga | Digital Gold
The exhibit provides concrete insights into the working and living conditions of artisanal gold miners in the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose work is essential for our electronical devices.

Timothy Raeymaekers, Gabriel Kamundala, Department of Geography, UZH
Muriel Côte, Institute for Human Geography, University of Lund
Christian Iseli, Florian Bruggisser, Mariana Vieira Gruenig, Kristina Jungic, Chris Elvis Leisi, Alliance Riziki Murhula, Patrycja Pakiela, Alan Sahin, Immersive Arts Space, ZHdK

Game Changer
A selection of video games with a multidisciplinary approach showing the importance of video games as a cultural asset and design product.

Maike Thies, Game Design, ZHdK
Hiloko Kato, German Department, UZH

Listen Up
Telephone booths installed in the show enable visitors to experience a digital simulation of what it would be like to lose their hearing and be forced to communicate using a cochlear implant.

Volker Dellwo, Department of Computational Linguistics & Linguistic Research Infrastructure, UZH
Andrew Clark, Linguistic Research Infrastructure, UZH
Claudia Roswandowitz, Thayabaran Kathiresan, Department of Computational Linguistics, UZH

M. D. trinkt abends gerne ein Bier
A fictional story that was co-written by an artificial intelligence software and based on a collection of surveillance protocols.

Gregor Huber, New Media, ZHdK
Lukas Nyffenegger, Department of History, UZH
Ivan Sterzinger, Department of Psychology, UZH


The project "PATHOS" by the indo-danish artist duo Pors & Rao aims to provide non­technical people with access to robotic animation, working towards new possibilities for artistic practice.

Aparna Rao, Søren Pors
Pors & Rao Studio + Robotics Aesthetics & Usability Center, ETHZ

Wyss Zurich, Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL), ETHZ
With support of: Gebert Rüf Stiftung, Faulhaber Minimotor, Maxon Motor

Poster World
Using metadata and artificial intelligence, "Poster World" is an interactive installation that curates trios of related posters.

EPFL + ECAL Lab, Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
With generous support by SwissRe

Stop Hate Speech
Digital posters made by first-semester Interaction Design students of ZHdK about the topic of internet hate speech that interact with the visitors looking at them.

Fabrizio Gilardi, Department of Political Science, UZH
Luke Franzke, Rebecca Morganti-­Pfaffhauser, Interaction Design, ZHdK
Lars Ziegler & Matthias Naegeli, Lukman Aščić & Audrey­ Meret Lohmann, Luis Praxmarer & Tanja Landolt, Mo Bünzli & Carina Good, Sonja Cowley & Giovanna Yanireth León Briceno, Elena Walther & Lea Bischoff, Loïc Hommel & Nanthatchaporn Janthasom, Lyvia Muniz Gomes Wägli & Benjamin Eggstein, Interaction Design, ZHdK

The Machine to Be Another
Visitors get to swap their body with each other by means of virtual reality headsets.

Bigna Lenggenhager, Department of Psychology, UZH

Top View
An installation showing diverse satellite monitoring of the earth’s surface, climate and biodiversity.

Claudia Röösli, Valentina Tamburello, Isabelle Helfenstein, National Point of Contact for Satellite Images, Department of Geography, UZH
Robert Meisner, European Space Agency

Triggered by Motion
A walk-in pavilion showing camera trap footage used for wildlife monitoring around the world, which is increasingly supported by machine learning applications.

Katharina Weikl, Leila Girschweiler, Anne-Christine Schindler, Manuel Kaufmann, Laurens Bohlen, Ulrike Müller-Böker, UZH Graduate Campus
Dino Rossi, Impact Acoustic
Daniel Wegmann, University of Fribourg

Philippa Agnew, Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony
Alice Brambilla, Gabriele Cozzi, Dilşad Dağtekin, Marta Manser, Brigitte Spillmann, UZH
Martin Bauert, Zoo Zürich
Rita de Cassia Bianchi, Rômulo Theodoro Costa, São Paulo State University
Choi Myung-Ae, Center for Anthropocene Studies, KAIST
Megan Claase, Peter Apps, Botswana Predator Conservation
Susy Varughese, Vivek Puliyeri, IIT Madras
Madeleine Geiger, StadtWildTiere Zürich
Timothy Kaaria, Eunice Kamau, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy
Bill Leikam, Urban Wildlife Research Project
Li Bicheng, Shanghai Natural History Museum
Hans Lozza, Sonja Wipf, Schweizerischer Nationalpark
Natalie Olifiers, Cecilia Bueno, Beatriz Elvas, Universidade Veiga de Almeida
Alberto Peracino, Nationalpark Gran Paradiso
Anil Soyumert, Alper Erturk, Universität Kastamonu
Stefan Suter, WLS.CH / ZHAW
Zoe Turner, Kalahari Research Center
Dan Wenny, Yiwei Wang, SFBBO Coyote Creek Field Station
Blayne Zeise, Jennifer Stenglein, Snapshot Wisconsin / USFWS Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Program
Kim Gitae, Conny Hürzeler, Jeff Labovitz, Susan Pace, Mihailo Stojanovic, Citizen Scientists

(Un)faire Algorithmen
A set of four films that show how algorithm-based decision support systems can be biased.

Corinna Hertweck, Christoph Heitz, School of Engineering, ZHAW
Tobias Urech, Anna Mätzener, AlgorithmWatch Schweiz


Vertigo turns digital diagnostic abstraction into a physical experience in shape of a "data couch" and triggers the visitors’ balance reflex.

Elisabeth Eberle
Konrad Weber, University Hospital Zurich


The design studio Dinamo and linguist Karina Frick have taken observations from everyday communication and reactively transformed them into a typographic visualization.

Karina Frick, German Department, UZH / Section d’‘allemand, Université de Lausanne
Fabian Harb, Renan Rosatti, Dinamo

With support of: PATHOS, Being Kit
Robotics Aesthetics & Usability Center (RAUC), Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL), ETHZ