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Art x Science Office

  • © Yanik Bürkli

Triggered by Motion

A walkable wildlife pavilion

Behind the video installation Triggered by Motion is an international, extensive network of over 40 researchers and institutions from Europe, Asia, the USA, Oceania, and South America. For a whole year, 21 camera traps in 14 countries filmed their surroundings and all the animals that triggered the cameras through their movements. From the collected material, a walkable pavilion was created, providing visitors with insights into local biodiversity and the natural habitat of wildlife.

Since 2022, the video installation has been exhibited in various museums and aims to initiate a dialogue between science, art, and the public. The kick-off was the exhibition Planet Digital (February 11th 2022 to June 6th 2022), a collaboration between the University of Zurich and the Museum für Gestaltung Zurich. In January 2023, Triggered by Motion was displayed in the atrium of the University of Zurich. From May 11th to June 12th 2023, the video installation was part of Travel Across Boundaries, a joint exhibition of UZH and ETH Zurich in collaboration with the Science & Technology Office Seoul, at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) in Seoul. From June 4th 2023 to March 9th 2024, it will be exhibited as part of the Bits, Bytes & Biodiversity exhibition at the National Park Center Zernez. Starting in November 2023, it will be on display at the newly opened Science Gallery Bengaluru in Bangalore, India.

Triggered by Motion emerged from the commitment of the UZH Graduate Campus for interdisciplinary networking and is continued by the Art & Science Office. For more information and insights into the video installation and the involved research projects, you can visit the project website at

Grafik: Lara Rubin@GRC

Why Camera Traps?

Camera traps are a relatively simple and non-invasive method of wildlife observation. Researchers at UZH and around the world use these traps to study biodiversity, animal behavior, or environmental changes – increasingly in combination with machine learning applications used for processing and evaluating image data. Triggered by Motion aims to provide insight into various current research projects and, in doing so, bring the audience closer to a field of research that, like many others, is undergoing significant changes due to digitization.

A Global Network

For more information about the camera locations, please take a look at our interactive map below:

Research and Collaboration Partners


Kuruman River Reserve, South Africa: Prof. Dr. Marta Manser, Dr. Brigitte Spillmann, University of Zurich, Zoe Turner, Kalahari Research Centre
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya: Dominic Maringa, Eunice Kamau, Timothy Kaaria, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Dr. Martin Bauert, Zurich Zoo
Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana: Dr. Gabriele Cozzi, University of Zurich, Dr. Peter Apps, Dr. Megan Claase, Botswana Predator Conservation
Nimba-Mountains, Guinea: Prof. Dr. Kathelijne Koops, University of Zurich, Nicolas Buzzi, Zurich / Frankfurt am Main
Tarangire and Serengeti Ecosystems, Tanzania: Dr. Monica Bond, University of Zurich / Wild Nature Institute


Chennai, India: Prof. Dr. Susy Varughese, Dr. Vivek Puliyeri, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Cheorwon, South Korea: Dr. Choi Myung-Ae, Center for Anthropocene Studies, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) / Yonsei University
Kastamonu, Turkey: Dilşad Dağtekin, Prof. Dr. Arpat Özgül, University of Zurich, Dr. Anil Soyumert, Dr. Alper Ertürk, University of Kastamonu
Seoul, South Korea: Kim Gitae, Citizen Scientist
Shanghai, China: Dr. Li Bicheng, Shanghai Natural History Museum (Shanghai Science and Technology Museum)


Cerova, Serbia: Mihailo Stojanovic, Citizen Scientist
Engadin, Switzerland: Hans Lozza, Dr. Sonja Wipf, Swiss National Park
Fanel, Switzerland: Dr. Stefan Suter, WLS.CH / Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy: Dr. Alice Brambilla, University of Zurich, Alberto Peracino, Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso
Zurich, Switzerland: Conny Hürzeler, Citizen Scientist, Dr. Madeleine Geiger, StadtWildTiere Zürich

North America

Bolinas, USA: Jeff Labovitz, Susan Pace, Citizen Scientists
Palo Alto, USA: Bill Leikam, Urban Wildlife Research Project
Pasadena, USA: Dr. Markus Marks, University of Zurich / ETH Zurich / California Institute of Technology
Rolling WI, USA: Blayne Zeise, Jennifer Stenglein, Snapshot Wisconsin / USFWS Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Program
San José, USA: Dr. Dan Wenny, Dr. Yiwei Wang, SFBBO Coyote Creek Field Station


Oamaru, New Zealand: Dr. Philippa Agnew, Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony

South America

Pedregulho, Brazil: Prof. Dr. Rita de Cassia Bianchi, Rômulo Theodoro Costa, São Paulo State University
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Dr. Natalie Olifiers, Universidade Veiga de Almeida

The international network was developed with support of: →swissnex San Francisco, →swissnex Brazil, →swissnex Boston, →swissnex China, →swissnex India, the →Science & Technology Office Seoul and the Swiss embassy in Nairobi.

Project Team

Dr. Katharina Weikl, University of Zurich [lead]
Nafisa Umar [project management]
Lucia Gränicher [communication]
Dino Rossi (swiss edition) / Boris Gusic (travel edition) [pavilion design]
Dimitri Zehnder, Impact Acoustic [CNC operator]
Prof. Dr. Daniel Wegmann, University of Fribourg [scientific advisor]
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Müller-Böker, University of Zurich [mentor]

Jan-David Bolt, Vanessa Mazanik, Lars Mulle, Vanja Tognola, Hadrami Yurdagün [video editing]
Lars Mulle [sound design]
Till Sieberth [VR experience]

Former project team members: Leila Girschweiler [project management, until August 2021], Manuel Kaufmann [curatorial assistance, until October 2022], Anne-Christine Schindler [project management, until July 2023], Laurens Bohlen [computational biology]

Weiterführende Informationen

Project Website

Find out more here:


Dr. Katharina Weikl
Art x Science Office UZH
Tel. +41 44 634 57 30 |Email


Triggered by Motion was made possible by Stiftung Mercator Schweiz and the Digitalization Initiative of the Canton of Zurich (DIZH). We thank Impact Acoustic for the production of the pavilion out of materials made with recycled PET.


Stiftung Mercator Schweiz

Digitalisierungsinitiative der Zürcher Hochschulen

Impact Acoustic
